Approximately 60 million Americans struggle with insomnia. If you are one of these unlucky sufferers who crave sleep, give these natural remedies a try.
There’s a reason they call it “beauty sleep.” Adequate rest provides the body with the opportunity to recoup from the day’s activities.
As your mind strolls down the lanes of Dreamland, your body has the chance to produce the additional protein molecules needed to repair your body from the effects of things like stress, sun exposure, infection, and pollutants.
Sleep also gives your heart and the cardiovascular system a chance to rest and lowers blood pressure, reducing stress and inflammation.
Because getting enough rest reduces the levels of stress hormones, it also slows the aging process by decreasing wear and tears on your body.
The Insomnia Epidemic
Americans are well-known for their busyness. Most would easily agree that the hustle and bustle of over-committed schedules prevent them from getting enough sleep at night.
Some people fall asleep even while a small talk to a stranger in a video chat while others cannot do it in a quiet atmosphere. The ability to run off only a few hours of sleep has become something to brag about among caffeine-charged students and the on-the-go working class.
Worse, because their bodies are so accustomed to unstable sleep schedules, some soon begin to struggle with insomnia. Discover Health reports that one-third of adults are unable to get enough good sleep at night to function properly during the day.
If you spend your days managing, work, meetings, school, spouse, kids, kids’ activities, homework, friends, pets, grocery runs, bills, home maintenance, and car problems, it’s no wonder you might be having trouble sleeping.
Because of the daily strain on your mind and body, you especially require the benefits sleep brings. So when you finally have the chance to reconnect your head with your pillow, whether for four hours or eight, you need to make the most of that time.
Insomnia is a nasty little problem that can be readily treated with natural remedies.
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Natural Remedies for Insomnia
There are several natural remedies for insomnia, including the following:
Avoid Watching TV Right Before Bed
Television stimulates the brain, increasing activity and making it difficult to fall asleep. You need to train your body to know that, as the day winds down, your mind and body should as well.
Although this step may require the sacrifice of the 11 o’clock news or the late-night show, falling asleep earlier is guaranteed to be worth it.
Consider Keeping a Journal
Most tossing and turning is due to racing thoughts and worries about the upcoming day with all its activities and to-dos. Writing these concerns down in a notebook before bed will allow you to release your mind from busy thoughts.
Resist Giving into the Bedtime Munchies
Eating, especially eating foods that contain grains and sugar, will increase your blood pressure. Then, after a while, your blood pressure will inevitably drop, causing you to wake up and keeping you from falling back to sleep.
Avoid Caffeine in the Afternoon and Later in the Day.
You may not realize it, but you may be one of the people that metabolize caffeine very slowly, which can keep you awake at night. Try avoiding coffee, soda, or tea in the afternoons to overcome sleeplessness at night.
Also, be aware that diet pills and certain medications contain caffeine, so use them with caution.
Exercise Regularly
At least 30 minutes of heart exercise during the day will help you sleep better at night. Do not, however, exercise too close to bedtime or your body will be overly stimulated and prevent you from sleeping.
Drink a Cup of Tea
A hot cup of chamomile tea 30 to 45 minutes before bed will help with insomnia. This herb, which comes from a plant in the daisy family, helps to relieve anxiety, helping you to relax your body and prepare for bed.
Taking a Warm Bath
Doing it before climbing into bed is another effective way to slow down, calm your mind, and soothe your body. Raising your body temperature late in the evening will cause it to fall at bedtime, causing sleep to come easier.
Also, a little time to yourself will help relieve the pressures and demands of the day and ready your body for rest.
Special Treatment
Many menopausal women lose sleep due to hormonal changes. If you suspect this might be the reason for your insomnia, talk to a natural medicine physician about possible treatments.
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Reserve Your Bed as a Sanctuary for Rest
Do not use it for homework, watching TV, or doing work. Your body needs to learn to associate your bed with good rest instead of stimulating activities. Invest in a comfortable mattress and good pillows.
This may take a little trial and error since a bed and pillows that are either too hard or too soft will interfere with sleep.
Make Your Bedroom Dark
Try to make your bedroom as dark as possible to achieve the most renewing rest. Exposure to total darkness at night helps increase melatonin, the chemical that induces sleepiness.
You can purchase special drapes designed specifically to prevent a large percentage of light from entering your room. If necessary, you can wear an eye mask to block out any light that pervades other measures.
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Remove any Clocks from the View
Try not to think about the fact that you are still awake. Staring at the clock or checking the time will only keep you awake, fretting about how much time and sleep you have lost already.
If you are unable to fall asleep within half an hour, get up and do something quietly for a while – nothing overstimulating – before trying again.
Commit to a Specific Bedtime
Determine to go to sleep at the same time every night and to awaken at the same time every morning. Changing bedtimes every evening can confuse your body about when it is time to go to sleep.
A regular bedtime is so important to healthy sleep that it is suggested you stick to your bedtime routine even on the weekends.
Maintain a Bedtime Routine
This routine should consist of relaxing activities such as aromatherapy, deep breathing, or listening to relaxation CDs. Making these activities a part of the end of your day will help you relax, and eventually, your body and mind will come to associate the routine with sleep.
Do Not Use Loud Alarm Clocks
Rude and abrupt awakenings are very stressful on the body. Besides, there is nothing pleasant about the all-too-familiar earsplitting beeping. Try instead to wake up to music or try the Sun Alarm.
This alarm clock features a light display that gradually increases in brightness to simulate a natural sunrise. This enables you to awaken gently to peace, rather than start the morning annoyed at a blaring alarm clock.
Summing Up
Before resorting to sleeping medications and prescriptions, give these natural remedies for insomnia a try. Unless you suffer from a serious medical condition that is causing your insomnia, commitment to these natural treatments for sleeplessness should have you snoring blissfully throughout the night in no time.