Best Indian exercises for six-pack


Six-pack body is a trendsetter in youth, Six-packs can be achieved either at home or gym, all that matters is the amount of dedication you put and efforts you are ready to take to fulfill your passion.


Six-pack body is a trendsetter in youth, Six-packs can be achieved either at home or gym, all that matters is the amount of dedication you put and efforts you are ready to take to fulfill your passion.

The most important exercises are abdominal exercises which help in burning extra calories and develop flat and ripped abdomen without any gym equipment.

Here are the top 10 best Indian exercises for six-packs:

  1. Jack Knife Sit Ups
  2. Long Arm Crunch
  3. Marching Planks
  4. Seated Leg Tuck
  5. Reverse Crunch
  6. Extended Plank
  7. Russian Twist
  8. Pull-Ups
  9. Squats
  10. V-Ups

Along with the exercise, a proper diet filled with proteins, nutrition, and loads of organic, fresh, and healthy food is required to keep your body fit, healthy, and in shape. 

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