Get answers for all frequently asked questions about pregnancy

FAQS on Pregnancy  Every Women Must Know

This article answers frequently asked questions about pregnancy. When a woman is pregnant, particularly for the first time, she is completely filled with joy, love, and happiness, together with

 Updated: 13-03-2024

This article answers frequently asked questions about pregnancy. When a woman is pregnant, particularly for the first time, she is completely filled with joy, love, and happiness, together with different types of queries, fears, concerns & worries for her unborn baby.

Thus, we try to provide answers to all common pregnancy questions that a mother may have during her pregnancy.

 FAQS on Pregnancy : Every Women Must Know :

1. What are the precautions to be taken when pregnant, so the baby is born healthy?

  • It is vital to strictly follow the food-safety measures, like using a separate cutting board for raw chicken and meat, and washing fruits and vegetables to avoid food-borne illnesses like listeriosis and salmonella.
  • Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol.
  • Pregnant women are suggested to take rest as much as they can.
  • Intake of vitamins, help in guaranteeing healthy and safe pregnancy.
  • Take a Prenatal Vitamin
  • Regular exercise assists in controlling weight improve blood circulation and mood, which in turn keeps women active.
  • Best Butt Exercises also helps in giving birth to healthy baby?

2. Can I have papaya during the second trimester of pregnancy?

This is one of the frequently asked questions about pregnancy. Having papaya in the second trimester of pregnancy is safe, as long as it is ripe. A finely ripened Papaya contains vitamins C & E. Also, it is a good source of folic acid and fiber. Papaya prevents as well as control constipation & heartburn.

Thus, many experts advise pregnant women to eat moderate quantities of ripe papaya. The mixture of ripe papaya with milk & honey is a rich source of nutrients for nursing moms and pregnant women.

3.How do you have a healthy pregnancy?

How to have a healthy pregnancy is a query that topped the chart of frequently asked questions about pregnancy. Pregnancy is a perfect time for taking care of yourself both emotionally and physically. Below are the few guidelines followed by women for healthy pregnancy.

  • Consult doctor or midwife as early as possible
  • Aim to eat healthy, balanced diet food
  • Ensure that your supplement comprises 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid. This is required when you are trying for a baby and during the initial three months of pregnancy.
  • Take care of your food hygiene
  • Do regular exercise
  • Start doing pelvic floor exercises
  • Avoid drinking alcohol as it rapidly reaches your baby through the blood stream and placenta.
  • Avoid high caffeine products such as tea, coffee, cola & energy drinks as it may increase the risk of miscarriage.
  • Avoid Smoking during pregnancy as it results in serious health problems, for baby and you.

4.What can you eat while pregnant?

During pregnant, mother must follow a varied, nutritious and balanced diet, which include:

  • Starchy carbohydrate-rich foods
  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Fats
  • Folic Acid
  • Protein
  • Fiber
  • Calcium
  • Zinc
  • Iron

5.What can’t you eat during pregnant

During pregnancy the following items are to be avoided as they lead to severe health issues and even miscarriage

  • Deli Meat
  • Smoked Seafood
  • Raw Meat
  • Fish with Mercury
  • Raw Shellfish
  • Fish Exposed to Industrial Pollutants
  • Soft Cheeses
  • Raw Eggs
  • Pate
  • Unpasteurized Milk
  • Caffeine
  • Unwashed Vegetables
  • Alcohol

6.Why eating ice reduce nausea during pregnancy?

Nausea is a common problem seen in women who are pregnant. Ice or ice cream is the perfect choice to overcome nausea during pregnancy. It is one among the list of frequently asked questions about pregnancy. Ice or Ice cream is good to have ice cream including morning sickness. Most expectant, find strawberry or vanilla ice cream as the best remedy for their sick stomach.

7.What happens when you drink alcohol during pregnancy?

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is not safe for mother and baby, as it reaches child through mother blood stream. Also, it results in fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), a severe condition that affects a child throughout life.

8.Should I feel movement when I’m 17 weeks pregnant?

Frequently asked questions about pregnancy

when pregnant women can feel her baby moves. Feeling the baby movements is the most exciting parts of pregnancy especially for the first time. Most of the women can’t believe they are pregnant till they feel the baby moves, though they have heard baby’s heartbeat or seen the baby on the ultrasound.

Usually, baby movements onset during the 20th week of pregnancy; Women feel it during early 16 weeks or late 23 weeks. If a woman had a baby before, she is likely to notice movement earlier as it is a familiar sensation for her because she experienced it in her previous pregnancy.

9.Does sex during pregnancy increase the risk of miscarriage?

Though many couples fear that sex during pregnancy causes abortion, it is not generally a concern. Many miscarriages take place due to the abnormal development of the fetus. Developing baby is protected by amniotic fluid in the uterus and the strong muscles of the uterus itself. Thus, sexual activity won’t affect the baby.

10.What are the pros and cons of postponing pregnancy?

The following are the pros and cons of postponing pregnancy:


  • Great financial security
  • Conceive Late, Live Long
  • Minimize the risk of Breast Cancer
  • Inventions in Reproductive Science
  • Mothers who conceived late bring abundant benefits to their children


  • Rise in risk factors
  • Decline in fertility
  • Fading Support Network
  • IVF Miracle Myth

11.Can pregnant women have sex?

One of the frequently asked questions about Pregnancy is whether to have sex or not. The answer to this query is yes!

Most parents worry about having sex during pregnancy, if you have a normal pregnancy, then you can keep love right until waters break. However, if a woman has a cervical weakness, a low-lying placenta or bleeding, it is suggested to check with the doctor first.

12.What are some ways to interact with my unborn baby?

The following are the ways to communicate with unborn child:

  • Converse verbally with unborn baby by speaking to him or reading books aloud
  • Play slow, soft, calming music to communicate that you are prepared to unwind.
  • Stress hormones increase when mother uptight and affect the baby. Give rest to your body &display feeling of stress-free&peace existence.
  • Play some mimicry games with unborn baby. Tap on the stomach and see if baby kicks back.

13.Asthmatic women: how did pregnancy affect your asthma?

If you are asthma patient, you may not have concern for it as it has mild signs or symptoms. However, asthma affects you & your fetus and should act accordingly to overcome it.

The following are the risks of Asthma during pregnancy

  • High blood pressure
  • Risks to fetus
  • Preeclampsia, a situation that results in high blood pressure and affects placenta, liver, kidneys, and brain
  • Low birth weight
  • Unusually slow development of the fetus.
  • Baby birth before37th week of pregnancy
  • Baby Death immediately before or after the birth

14.What are the dangers of unwanted pregnancy?

They are the similar risks for unwanted pregnancy along with depression and suicide. Few dangers of unwanted pregnancy include high blood pressure (toxemia) miscarriage, postpartum bleed, incomplete abortion, missed abortion and so on.

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