How to Sharpen Your Mind : 8 tips and tricks

how to sharpen your mind

If you are having trouble, recalling the incidence that happened just a few days back then its time you should do something to sharpen your mind power. There are easy ways of doing so.

Updated: 04-01-2024

If you are having trouble, recalling the incident that happened just a few days back then its time you should do something to sharpen your mind power. There are easy ways of doing so. Using these simple tricks, you can improve your both long-term and short-term memory.

As you age, your mind loses its inert ability to observe and analyze the smaller things that happen in your everyday life due to which your responses and reflexes become delayed.

Tricks, and Tips For Sharp Mind 

1. Smell rosemary for sharp mind

According to a study conducted by a group of psychologists on 144 volunteers in 2003, smelling rosemary the first time you wake up in the morning can increase the sharpness of your mind. However to enhance the effect you should stop using lavender-based aromatic products.

2. Food for a sharp mind 

Scientists recommend eating foods that are high in antioxidants such as apples, bananas, blueberries, garlic, dark green vegetables, and carrots to keep your mind young and reverse the effect of aging on your brain.

3. Chocolates for mindpower

Research shows that eating dark chocolate regularly can contribute in improving cognition and memory because chocolate contains a rich antioxidant known as flavanol. However, you should restrict your intake of chocolate as it can make you sluggish.

4. Include Omega-3 rich foods for sharp mind

The brain needs time to repair the wear and tear that it goes through daily. To ensure that the neurons are firing properly with the right supply of raw materials you should eat omega-3-rich foods such as nuts and fish.

5. Brush in the reverse direction

Brush in the reverse direction that is from left for righty people and vice-versa, to deviate from the regular pattern. This stimulates the brain and encourages it to form new connections making the brain active and sharp.

6. Solve puzzles 

7. Do exercise for mindpower 

8. Practice meditation 

All these above tips and tricks improve mind power.

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