Tea everyone
Tea is everyone’s favorite! Black or green tea, iced or hot tea every variety is gaining its own popularity for their respective benefits. Tea lovers have their own definitions and reasons and find every possible chance to drink tea on every occasion.
As the benefits for health factors are increasing, top multi-specialty hospitals are made specially by dieticians and nutritionists to convey the benefits, dos and don’ts regarding green tea or any other beverages. Various awareness programs are conducted among the hospitals to gain more health benefits.
Compared to the number of teas available, Green tea has its added advantage in the weight loss perspective and various doctors and nutritionists are recommending consuming green tea for weight loss on an everyday basis.
How much should I drink?
In various research, it has been proved that the number of times you drink green tea the more benefits you grab. But, remember an excessive amount of any variety of tea will damage the body, especially kidneys. So, drink in limits that are organic, natural, and fresh to enjoy the unlimited health benefits.
Drinking one cup of Green tea every day cannot make much difference and it is said to drink a minimum of 3 cups of green tea throughout the day to get infinite health benefits.
What is the most effective time of day to drink it?
The best time to drink green tea is thrice a day and as per the expert’s advice, these are the best times to taste green tea.
- Starting your day with a cup of green tea always keeps your metabolisms high
- Recommended to drink in the morning between 10:00 am to 11:00 am
- Around 2:00 pm in the midday or afternoon will boost you
- Get a chance to drink in the evenings usually at your preferred snacks time
- It is better to avoid drinking tea before you go to sleep as it may hinder your sleep
- You can drink after breakfast
- Choose to drink 2 hours before and after meals
- The best time is to drink half an hour before your exercise time
- You can drink throughout the day to detox your body as water
Consumption of anything in excess will spoil everything. Hence, experts recommend consuming green tea in the limit. It is always good to have twice or thrice a day and not more than the general limit.
How green tea helps in weight loss?
Green tea is considered the best beverage on the planet with unending benefits to your body. The effects of green tea are long-term and stay permanently
- Green tea contains a bioactive substance that helps in weight loss.
- It is filled with potent biological effects that help in the good functionality of your internal system
- The best stimulant for fat-burning is caffeine which aids in weight loss
- Antioxidants called catechins are present in green tea which cleanses the body
- The compounds present in green tea will boost the fat-burning hormones
- Green tea breaks down the fat cells and moves it into the bloodstream
- Men who intake green tea during exercise will burn 17% extra fat compared to common people
- It reduces appetite to further decrease in weight
- It helps in reducing abdominal fat by consuming daily 2 cups of green tea
Health analysis of Green Tea:
To get any sort of health benefits and lead a healthy life one must drink more than one cup of green tea every day. Drink the green tea at your convenience and comfort. Do not add excess sugar or artificial sweetness as it spoils the benefits.
- People who consume a high quantity of green tea have a 20% reduction in all sorts of health-related risk factors and diseases.
- Consuming 5 cups of green tea every day can reduce 46% of the risk of hypertension
- One who consumes more than 5 cups of green tea will reduce 65% development of hypertension
- One who drinks 2 to 3 cups of green tea will have 21% low-risk rate of stroke
- Drinking 3-4 cups of green tea on a daily basis has 23% lower cardiovascular disease-related deaths
- 4 cups of green tea consumed every day will have approximately 31% fewer urinary biomarkers of oxidative DNA damage.
- Depression can be reduced by 44% if drink 4 to 5 cups of green tea every day
- Drink 2 – 3 cups of green tea to prevent periodontal disease
Types of Green Tea:
- Tea bags
- Loose-leaf
- Instant-powder
- Available with Bottled and sweetened with sugar or an artificial sweetener
- Green tea supplements, are sold in capsule form and also as liquid extracts
Top 20 Health Benefits of Green Tea:
Green tea benefits are valid with only moderate added sugar. You are spoiling the benefits if the sugar content is excess in green tea. Bottled teas contain an excess amount of sugar equal to soft drinks and thus one cannot gain the real benefits of green tea with such a huge sugar content.
The list of green tea benefits is virtually infinite and here we are mentioning a few of the major ones.
- Green tea has been used in both traditional Indian and Chinese medicine for centuries
- It reduces various heart risks
- Green tea is filled with tons of nutritional benefits with a great impact on health.
- It makes body functionality to work properly
- It repairs the digestive system
- It helps reduce blood vessel risks
- It improves vascular reactivity in the body to organize the body’s physical and emotional stress majorly in blood vessels
- It lowers the LDL cholesterol content
- It controls the Blood Pressure
- according to the experts among the 27 best weight loss tips they added green tea is tip to reduces the weight
- It has the power of cancer-fighting agents
- Few of the cancer types where green tea helps in preventing and controlling the cancer-causing agents
- Breast
- Ovarian
- Stomach
- Bladder
- Lung
- Prostate and others
- It prevents inflammatory skin diseases
- It enhances cognitive brain function further helps in neuropsychiatric disorders treatments and also improves memory
- It fights with Down’s syndrome and helps in the treatment
- It treats in Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Helps in controlling Diabetes
- It burns fat and improves physical health performance
- It kills the bacteria, and lowers the infection risks
- It improves dental health
More study and research is needed to identify the numerous benefits of Green tea and prove it to the world of science globally.
Green Tea Statistics and Latest Research:
- In a recent study, a molecule called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is found in Green tea which helps in binding the plaque found in coronary artery diseases.
- A new survey proved that molecules found in green tea could prevent atherosclerosis which causes heart attacks and heart strokes
- According to a survey, a super green tea powder called Matcha is a great source of various health benefits with healing power for a variety of diseases compared to other powders.
- As per the study held at Harvard University by Dr. Howard Sesso, green tea contains catechins and epicatechins which help in maintaining good health, especially among women.
- They even declared that the flavonoids present in green tea can reduce inflammation
- An 8-ounce cup of Green tea contains 20-45 milligrams of caffeine which is comparatively less than black tea (50-95 milligrams per cup).
- In another study by the British National Health Service (NHS), a scientist has proven that green tea compounds like EGCG bind to apolipoprotein A-1 (apoA-1) to treat people with Alzheimer’s disease in the brain.
- The latest study held by a team at Lancaster University and the University of Leeds, in the U.K., has observed that apoA-1 sticks to the plaques and restricts the blood flow, in which EGCG will dissolve into soluble smaller molecules and eases blood flow
- In new research, the high level of polyphenols present in green tea helps to kill cancer cells and prevent them from growing.
- The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study in 2006, that green tea has the capability of mortality reduction due to different causes.
There are numerous products available in online and offline stores. Before buying a brand of green tea, check all the pros and cons, organic products, and others to enjoy the real benefits of green tea and choose the one that suits you.
Top-rated hospitals like the team is working on awareness programs on green tea and providing the necessary counseling to the people in need to avoid the excess burden of medication during the various disease treatment process.
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Author’s Bio: Ashreetha Pendkar Is a Healthcare writer, trainer, and Digital marketing expert, she loves to read healthcare content and spread her words about the importance of health to near & dear.
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