Looking Very Lean Just Consume These Effective Smoothies For Weight Gain


Want to gain weight? Well, it is not required to binge on butter and oily diet to gain extra pounds.There are many natural and refreshing Smoothies

Want to gain weight? Well, it is not required to binge on butter and oily diet to gain extra pounds. There are many natural and refreshing Smoothies for weight gain, which rescues and helps you to meet ideal weight goals.

It is difficult to lose weight; similarly gaining weight is also difficult particularly if you are attaining weight for the purpose of muscle building. The exercise what you do sweats out and burns all calories, thus you need something i.e. healthy to meet carbohydrate, fat & protein thus you attain mass to build muscles.

Smoothies for weight gain can be an amazing idea to subsume extra calories in the daily diet without any compromise on taste buds or nutritional quotient.

How to prepare Smoothies for weight gain

Here are the top 5 very best smoothies for weight gain 

1.Strawberry Avocado Smoothie

This delicious Smoothie is a blend of strawberry, avocado and banana. kickstart your day with this smoothie as a better start. The fat content present in this smoothie aids in remaining full for a longer time. This smoothie includes basic sources that are healthy for fats in your diet.


The following are the ingredients that require preparing Strawberry Avocado Smoothie

  • ¾ Cup plain or vanilla yogurt
  • ¼ Cup milk
  • 1 ½ Cup frozen strawberries
  • 1 Whole banana
  • ¼ avocado
  • ¼ tsp Vanilla extract


Blend milk & yogurt perfectly and make it consistency too thin, add to it. Also, add avocado to peeled banana and blend further. After it becomes smooth consistency, add extra frozen strawberries and vanilla and blend again. Thus Strawberry Avocado Smoothie for weight gain is prepared.

2.Strawberry Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

Strawberry Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie is a high protein, Smoothie and rich in heart solid fats, cell reinforcement over-burden and aides in battling against malignancy illness.

Strawberry Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie is an astounding source to achieve a couple of fundamental proteins post exercise. This smoothie helps in meeting a greatest of 25% of every day fiber necessity and its yogurt base aides in keeping up solid stomach related tract.


  • 5 large frozen Strawberries
  • 3/4 Cup Plain Yogurt
  • 1 Banana
  • 2 Tbsp Milk (a splash)
  • 2 Tbsp Peanut Butter


Include Milk, yogurt and banana in a blender taken after by peanut spread and solidified strawberries. Mix until the point when it turns into thick consistency glue, on the off chance that you like smoothie more slender, include more milk.

You can supplant your smooth peanut spread with a crunchy one on the off chance that you wish to add some smash to it.

3.Peanut Butter & Banana Smoothie for weight gain

There can be nothing superior to anything a smoothie to recharge your body after a strenuous exercise and this appears to be so valid with this delectable mix of peanut butter and banana. The high in protein hunger checking smoothie makes for a great breakfast, lunch or your post-exercise freshener.


  • 2 Tbs Peanut Butter
  • 3/4 Cup plain or vanilla yogurt
  • 1 Banana
  • 3/4 Cup ice
  • 1/8 Cup milk


Put drain, yogurt and banana in a blender and make smooth consistency glue. Include crunchy or smooth peanut butter to it and mix further. You can include fancied measure of ice according to your inclination.

{ Also Read: Do eating banana cause weight gain }

4.Chocolate Banana Smoothie for weight gain

Though you are looking for weight loss or weight gain, compromising on taste buds turns out to be very clear with any of the eating routine arrangement.

However, you can, in any case, relish your taste buds with this delightful chocolate banana smoothie. Banana includes fiber, potassium and protein to this smoothie, while yogurt advances assimilation, dark chocolate includes taste and makes it greatly solid for your heart.


  • ¼ Cup milk
  • 1 Banana
  • ¾ Cup plain or vanilla yogurt
  • 3 Dove Chocolates (dark) or roughly 2-3 Tbsp Chips
  • 1 Cup ice


Pour milk into a blender after the banana, chocolate, and yogurt. Mix until the point that it winds up noticeably smooth in consistency. Include ice and mix once more, if you get a lumps of chocolate at that point quit mixing when its still coarse.

5.Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie

This under 600 calories delectable weight pick up a smoothie is all you have to incorporate into your eating regimen to build up a bit. The high in fat and protein smoothie is fantastic enable you to fight of craving while at the same time fulfilling your taste buds in the meantime.


  • ¾ Cup plain or vanilla yogurt
  • ¼ Cup milk
  • 2-3 Tbsp Dark Chocolate Chips
  • 1 Banana
  • 2 Tbsp Peanut Butter
  • 1 Cup ice


Pour the milk into the blender, include yogurt, banana and chocolate to it. When its mixed in the smooth blend, add peanut butter and ice to it and mix it again until there are no ice and chocolate lumps left.

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Author’s Bio: Ashreetha Pendkar Is a Healthcare writer, trainer and Digital marketing expert, she loves to read healthcare content and spreading her words about the importance of the health to near & dears.

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