The world now goes around faster than ever and so do our lives. Stress, anxiety, and tension are hence very common issues that people today deal with. There is no scope for slowing down, relaxing, and getting a moment of peace.
There is so much to do and so much to achieve. Yoga asanas can help. India is the country that has given the world the gift of yoga. Yoga asanas are known to have multiple benefits for overall health and well-being. Yoga not only benefits your body but also your mind. One of the meditative yoga asanas that you can easily do at home to relax your mind is padmasana. In this article, we will get padmasana's steps and benefits.
Know more about Padmasana variations, and precautions to be taken when performing padmasana.
Meaning Of Padmasana
Padmasana is a Sanskrit word made of two words Padma and asana. In English, padmasana meaning is very literal and it translates to lotus position or lotus posture.
This is a seated asana that majorly targets your hips. Padmasana is a meditative pose that calms your mind, reduces stress, and alleviates physical ailments as well. The lotus poses yoga grounds and energizes you.
The lotus is a symbol of being a beautiful and attractive flower that is deeply rooted in the mud. When practicing the padmasana lotus pose, you are on the ground, rooted and your mind full of stress and worries about this world. With meditation, your mind is calmed and your thoughts are as beautiful as the lotus.
What Are The Different Types Of Padmasana?
The hatha yoga or padmasana is a slightly difficult pose for many beginners. Even as an advanced practitioner, you might find it a little difficult to perform or hold the padmasana posture.
Depending on how well you can stretch and how flexible you are, you can follow a few different steps and perform a variation of the padmasana. In this section, we will be discussing the two major variations or types of the lotus posture to help you practice the same with ease.
Ardha Padmasana literally translates to a half lotus position. This asana is an easier variation of padmasana and is more suitable for beginners or anyone who finds the full lotus pose difficult to achieve and hold.
In this position, both your feet are not placed on the opposite thighs. Instead, you will be placing one of your feet on the opposite thigh and the other one under the opposite thigh.
This is a relaxed position and helps your body get accustomed to sitting cross-legged. Once you are confident about this pose and you are able to master this pose, you can go on to practice padmasana.
Baddha Padmasana is the second type of padmasana that you can practice. It is a complex and advanced form of the lotus pose. If you are very flexible and confident about yourself, you can take your yoga asanas a notch up by practicing the buddha padmasana.
The meaning of baddha padmasana in English is locked lotus position. This pose is slightly more difficult and it is suggested that you try to perform the same when you have mastered padmasana.
In the baddha padmasana, you have to be in full lotus position with your feet on the opposite thigh. The next step is to take your hands behind your back such that you can hold the opposite foot with them.
Padmasana steps and benefits
Benefits Associated With The Lotus Position
Padmasana benefits your overall health and well-being. It has been proven to improve mental, emotional, and physical health. In this section, we will be looking at the benefits of performing this yoga asana to help you know why you should be doing padmasana and its different types.
●If you are into meditation or are starting your meditation journey, you will know that padmasana is one of the asanas that help you form a solid foundation for the same.
●Following the lotus pose steps and getting into padmasana, reduces stress and relaxes your mind.
●This asana reduces muscular tension and helps lower blood pressure levels.
●Padmasana helps open your joints and stretch your thighs.
●Improving digestion is also one of the advantages of padmasana.
●Along with these, padmasana also helps in reducing menstrual cramps and pain.
●Padmasana provides relief in childbirth too.
●Padmasana helps you deal with anxiety and fear.
●Padmasana pose also helps you reduce thigh fat and get a flat tummy.
How To Practice Padmasana? (Steps Involved)
Padmasana in English means the lotus posture, as we have discussed in the previous section. Let us now take a look at the steps that will help you get into this posture and hold the same for meditation. The steps of this yoga asana are quite simple to follow and perform.
●Sit on the floor with your back straight and legs extended similar to the dandasana position.
●Bending your right knee, bring your foot towards your left thigh and place it there with the sole of your foot upwards. Make sure your heel is close to your abdomen.
●Follow the same step with your left knee and place the left foot on your right thigh ensuring that the position of the left and right foot are the same.
●With both your feet on the opposite thighs, you are sitting in a cross-legged position. Bring your hands in the mudra posture and place them on your knees.
●Keep your back and head straight throughout the asana.
●Maintain this posture. Breathe in and breathe out slowly and deeply.
If as a beginner you find the padmasana position difficult to achieve or maintain or uncomfortable, then you can practice the Ardha padmasana pose instead. This will help improve your flexibility and with practice, you will be able to perform padmasana as well.
Precautions And Contraindications Of Padmasana Pose
We have now looked at almost all the important details related to the padmasana pose. But there is something more to each yoga asana that we often forget about when learning more about the same.
The precautions to be taken when performing an asana play a major role in ensuring that you do not end up hurting yourself while doing the same and knowing whether the asana is safe for you.
This is even more important when you are learning about padmasana for beginners and are new to the same. The following are the points to be noted before you perform padmasana:
1. Padmasana helps you feel refreshed mentally and physically. It is a meditative pose that must preferably be practiced in the morning. You can also choose to do the same in the evening.
2. The best time to practice the lotus posture of padmasana is when you are on an empty stomach. In case you wish to make padmasana a part of your everyday workout or exercise routine, you can practice this asana after 4 to 5 hours of eating.
3. Padmasana is meant to calm your mind and bring you inner peace. This asana should be performed in a setting that compliments the same. Your surroundings must be free from all distractions and noise.
4. People with any ankle, knee or spinal injury must avoid practicing the padmasana lotus pose. In case you wish to perform this asana, you must seek professional advice on the same.
5. Stretching your legs and spine before you practice this posture is a good way to avoid any injuries and hurting yourself.
Make sure you follow the steps right and keep into consideration these few factors for a beautiful experience performing this yoga asana.
With this, we conclude our article on padmasana steps and benefits. We have discussed in this article the basics of the lotus position and the variations of the same. We have also shared with you the steps for the same to help you practice the same. We hope this guide has helped you know more about this yoga asana and you will be able to meditate in this posture at home with the right steps.
What is the best time to practice padmasana?
The best time to practice meditation in padmasana is in the morning. This asana helps you feel refreshed. You can also do the same in the evening. Padmasana should be practiced on an empty stomach.
Can a pregnant woman perform the lotus pose?
As a pregnant woman, you should consult your doctor and seek advice on whether or not you should perform the padmasana lotus pose. As a meditative asana, this asana also helps you keep stress at bay and eases the birthing process.
What does Padmasana mean in Sanskrit?
Padmasana meaning in Sanskrit is very literal. The word is made up of the Padma meaning Lotus and Asana meaning Pose. This is why this asana is also known as lotus pose yoga.