Ageing can be frustrating, especially due to joint and knee pain. But you can always keep yourself mobile and flexible by doing certain yoga asanas for knee pain.
All these Top 6 Yoga Asanas for Knee Pain and Joint Pain are recommended by yoga experts.
Instead of taking the easiest way out by popping a few painkillers every day in your mouth, you must look for healthier options such as doing yoga asanas for joint pain or trying Joint supplements and restricting the consumption of inflammation-causing foods.
“Painkillers and analgesics, in the end, can cause side effects. However, if you take a holistic approach like practising yoga, it will be beneficial for your overall well-being and health.”
How do yoga asanas for knee pain help?
As you age, the risk of joint pain increases, especially knee pain because your bone structure weakens with ageing. Moreover, lack of enough physical exercise and a nutrition-rich diet contributes to the depletion of bone health.
Although medication alleviates the pain to some extent, following an alternative method such as yoga can help you to get complete relief from the pain.
Yoga also calms your mind and tones the body. As a starter, you can start with some basic yoga asanas for knee pain that will help to strengthen your bones and joints.
Top 6 Yoga Asanas For Knee Pain and Joint Pain
1. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
In the Dhanurasana or the bow pose, you have to open the shoulders so that the aching joints get some relief.
This pose of yoga makes your body more flexible and relieves it of fatigue and stress.
In Dhanuransana, light pressure is exerted on the knees, which increases their mobility and helps to release the tension in the tightened nerves around the kneecap.
2. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)
The Bridge pose strengthens the muscles in the knee joints and is extremely helpful for patients suffering from osteoporosis.
When you perform Setu Bandhasana regularly, it calms your brain and provides relief from stress and anxiety.
3. Makarasana (Crocodile Pose)
Makarasana is one of the easiest of all the yoga asanas for joint pain. It gives relief from the spinal pain and rigid shoulders.
It is also advised for getting relief from knee pain because in this asana you have to keep your entire leg straight, which ensures proper flow of blood to the knees.
Aging can be frustrating, especially due to joint and knee pain. But you can always keep yourself mobile and flexible by doing certain yoga asanas for knee pain.
Instead of taking the easiest way out by popping a few painkillers every day in your mouth, you must look for healthier options such as doing yoga asanas for joint pain or can try joint supplements and restrict consumption of inflammation-causing foods.
4. Veerasana (Warrior Pose)
This asana improves the blood supply to the joints and strengthens them. The joints that benefit from veerasana include hips, knees, ankles, cervical region, lumbar region, and shoulders. Most knee problems occur due to obesity.
Veerasana helps to remove stubborn abdominal fat from the body and reduce weight so that the weight on your knee is cut down considerably.
Performing the warrior pose regularly also improves the flexibility of the spine and helps to maintain proper body posture and balance.
5. Virabhadrasana
Virabhadrasana is recommended for patients suffering from frozen shoulders. However, it also tones and strengthens the lower back, lower legs, and arms and improves the balance of the body. It is especially helpful to people with deskbound or sedentary jobs.
6. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
Ustrasana makes the shoulders strong and tones the back, knee joints, and arms. It improves the flexibility of the spine and provides relief from lower backaches.
In Ustrasana, the whole balance of the body rests on the lower limb and the knees. While performing this asana, the knee joints are stretched, making them more flexible.
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