Tinnitus is a condition that has existed for centuries and is one of the most common hearing problems people experience. However, since there is still no actual cure for the condition, many people outside the medical community don’t fully understand how tinnitus even works.
We will find out the Treatment of Tinnitus in one Ear Only from this post
This can make the life of those with tinnitus more difficult, causing unnecessary stress and anxiety. Furthermore, there are a lot of misconceptions floating around about the condition.
Here are some of the most common myths about tinnitus.
1. You can only get tinnitus if you have hearing loss
Indeed, those with hearing loss can also get tinnitus, and the two usually go hand in hand. However, you can still get tinnitus without hearing loss. If you are exposed to a loud rock concert or an explosion without ear protection, you might experience a temporary case of tinnitus.
Tinnitus can also be caused by other health conditions or the use of medications. It’s worth being checked by a neurotologist even if you don’t think you have hearing loss.
Also Read: Types and Causes of Hearing Loss
2. Tinnitus is all in your head
There is no test to prove that you have tinnitus, but this ailment is a real condition, and it’s not all in your head. Millions of people suffer from tinnitus, and the condition can vary from mild to debilitating. Fortunately, healthcare professionals such as HearCanada can help you manage the symptoms and improve your quality of life.
3. Hearing aids can’t help with tinnitus
Wearing hearing aids is a great way to manage tinnitus and might be a viable treatment option. Since tinnitus is usually a sign of hearing loss, some people experience significant relief after they are fitted with hearing aids.
Besides helping to improve hearing loss, these devices can help you mask internal tinnitus sounds, allowing you to concentrate on external sounds. Other ways to manage the symptoms include stress management techniques, medication, changes in diet, and routine exercise.
4. Tinnitus is permanent
Some forms of tinnitus are temporary and result from recent exposure to loud noise. However, some are long-lasting and may consist of recurring scenes over time. Any severe tinnitus of sudden occurrence that is one-sided should be examined by a health professional.
5. Tinnitus always sounds like a ringing in the ears
Tinnitus is commonly referred to as a ringing in the ears but can present with different sounds. Some people hear a single tone, while others discern multiple sounds.
The noise is ceaseless for some tinnitus patients, while others see it come and go. Common tinnitus sounds include humming, whooshing, roaring, and buzzing, which can vary from person to person. Regardless of your perception, the first step in calming the noise is to see an audiologist.
6. There is no cure for tinnitus
There is indeed no cure for tinnitus, but there are some treatment options that can help make this condition manageable and easier to live with.
One way you can help mask the tinnitus sounds is by wearing hearing aids. Counseling, medication, sound therapy, and acupuncture can also help. Contact an audiologist to schedule a hearing test to find out what is causing the annoying symptom.
While tinnitus has no cure, it does not have to be debilitating or life-changing. Tinnitus is manageable even in cases where the condition is permanent. However, it’s important to reach out to your doctor or professional audiologist to know about the next step to take.