Are You Suffering from Severe Tooth Pain?Know the Most Common Causes of Tooth Pain


When you experience tooth pain, make sure you assume that there are some problems related to your gum or oral health. Here are the most common causes of tooth pain:

There are various issues, such as mouth injuries, sensitivity, and infections that can trigger tooth pain. The more severe the problem, the more painful your experience will be. 

Not only major problems but minor issues can too cause toothache. This is the situation when you won’t be able to tell whether the tooth pain is severe or not. Therefore, it’s best if you visit the dentist

In this article, we will explore the most common causes of tooth pain and when you should seek treatment. Without further ado, let’s get started. 

What are the Most Common Causes of Tooth Pain?

When you experience tooth pain, make sure you assume that there are some problems related to your gum or oral health. Here are the most common causes of tooth pain:

  • Tooth decay 
  • Gum disease 
  • Cracked tooth 
  • Impacted tooth 
  • Tooth abscess 

Gum Disease 

Gum disease is one of the most common causes of tooth pain. Gum disease occurs when your mouth and gums, have been infected. 

Gingivitis, known as the first stage of gum disease, will make the gum hot and inflamed. You will also notice swelling and redness. 

Remember that both periodontitis and gingivitis can cause mild or severe pain. When the pain is severe, it’s an indication that the infection is spreading. If you don’t want to suffer from tooth pain, make sure you search for a Plainview dentist near me who will prevent the infection from spreading. 

Also Read: When Should You Consult a Dentist for Bleeding Gums?

Tooth Decay 

The outer surface or enamel of your tooth is exposed to various foods and drinks. Therefore, they are most vulnerable to cavity formation and gradual destruction. This specific issue is known as tooth decay. 

Plaque, a sticky layer of bacteria, will form over the enamel of your tooth. The plaque feeds off starches and sugar from the drink and food particles in your mouth. The plaque develops an acid that will affect the enamel of your tooth, which will cause holes. Over time, the enamel will be affected, and the cavity will start forming. 

When the tooth decay starts spreading towards the middle layer of your tooth, you will start experiencing sensitivity and pain. 

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Sensitive Teeth 

This is one of the most common problems you can notice amongst people. As per reports, more than 30% of Americans suffer from sensitive teeth. Exposed dentin is the primary cause of teeth sensitivity. This can happen due to worn fillings, cavities, cracked teeth, or receding gums.

Teeth sensitivity will cause sharp and quick pain frequently. When exposed to something that is either extremely hot or extremely cold, you will experience sensitivity. As per Healthlineacidic beverages and foods can cause teeth sensitivity. 


Bruxism, which is known as teeth grinding or clenching, might occur when you’re awake or sleeping. If you don’t take proper actions to address bruxism, it can cause various issues over time, such as:

  • Facial or tooth pain 
  • Teeth sensitivity 
  • Temporomandibular 
  • Cracked teeth 
Cracked Tooth 

Sudden trauma to the mouth can cause a cracked tooth. Apart from that, biting down on something extremely hard or severe teeth grinding can also cause cracks in your teeth. 

Pain when chewing and biting is one of the most common symptoms of a cracked tooth. Not to mention, you can also face temperature sensitivity. 

Also Read : How to Brush Your Teeth Naturally

When You Need to See a Dentist? 

Most people who are suffering from tooth pain don’t know when they need to seek medical treatment. As a result, they delay their appointment with the dentist. Make sure you don’t make the same mistake as them. If you experience any of the following conditions, make sure you make an appointment with the dentist as soon as possible:

  • You’re suffering from fever 
  • You’re suffering from severe tooth pain 
  • Your toothache isn’t going away 
  • Your mouth and face are swollen 
  • You’re noticing redness in your gums
How Can You Diagnose Your Tooth Pain?

To identify the primary cause of your tooth pain, the dentist will take a closer look at your overall medical history, ask you to conduct a physical exam, and have you undergo an X-ray

Medical History

When you visit a dentist, they will ask you about your medical history. Make sure you hide nothing and answer their questions. The answers you provide will help you determine the root causes of tooth pain. Here are some common questions they might ask:

  • Where does it hurt 
  • How long you’ve been experiencing the pain
  • What makes the pain worse or better 
  • What other symptoms you’re facing 
Physical Examination 

This is one of the most important steps that will help dentists know the causes of your tooth pain. Your dentist will check the condition of your face as well as mouth thoroughly to find symptoms of swelling and redness. They will also look for signs of infections and inflammation during your oral exam. 

When you suffer from worrisome symptoms, such as neck pain or fever, the dentist will go through a cranial nerve exam, which will be focused on your head. 

ENT Evaluation 

Sometimes, you will notice that sensitivity or tooth pain has nothing to do with the problems associated with your teeth. There are some other conditions that can also cause mild or severe tooth pain:

  • TMJ or dysfunction of the jaw joint, which is extremely effective at causing tenderness and pain. It will worsen as per the chewing and movement of the jaw. 
  • A sinus infection will also cause pain in your teeth or make your teeth sensitive to temperature. 

When the dentist finds out that the root causes of your tooth pain are not related to your oral health, they will refer you for an ENT evaluation. 

Also Read : 3 Tips for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Tooth Pain Treatment 

You will find various treatments that will prove effective for your tooth pain. However, not all of them might work the same. You need to visit a dentist so that they can determine the underlying cause of tooth pain. This way, you will be able to choose the most relevant and effective treatment option. They might include:

  • Oral devices 
  • Medication 
  • Medical procedures 
  • Oral rinses 

These are the primary causes of tooth pain and some great treatment options. Make sure you visit our website if you have any more questions. 

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