Write for us Health and Nutrition

Are you a writer? or blogger or do you have a firm related to health and nutrition, this is the right platform to submit your article.

Write for us Health and Nutrition explore your writing skills and submit your guest post on our website.

Our goal is to bring health experts, and patients together on a single platform to share information and communicate. 

In addition, we provide information on our website about health, beauty products, fitness, yoga, Ayurveda, etc., to provide our readers with natural and safe solutions and preventative measures. 

We distribute content in various formats, including daily quotations, brief articles, comprehensive guidelines, YouTube videos, and blog posts. 

Additionally, we know the scope and benefits of guest posts. Thus, we are willing to offer writers the opportunity to write for us and publish their original content on our website.

Interested writers can review our requirements and key details and submit their work.

What is Write For Us Health and Nutrition

A guest post is content written by the one who is not a regular contributor but a guest on your website. 

In simple words, when you write for your website, it is known as a “Post,” but when you publish your post on another’s website, you become a guest for them, and your article will be called a “Guest Post.”

Advantages Of Guest Posting 

Guest Post is convenient for both the guest author and the hosting site. Here we have the top eight benefits: 

  1. Boost Referral Traffic and Brand Awareness
  2. Offer you chances to network with other bloggers and webmasters
  3. Boost Brand Credibility & Trust
  4. Increase Your Social Media Fans
  5. Boost Your Online Credibility
  6. Bring in new audiences 
  7. capture the interest of prospective new clients
  8. Create Natural and High-Quality Backlinks

Requirements And Guidelines For Your Guest Post

If you’re interested in writing for us, here are our requirements, details, and criteria. You must complete each of these steps to access our website.

  • Your content should be original and informative and offer solutions.
  • Every blog post or article should describe all the information by which readers can gain inspiration and knowledge and have their questions answered.
  • The post should be easily understandable and written well in English.
  • There should be no plagiarism in the content; it should be entirely original. Regardless of the type of content you submit, it will be thoroughly analyzed by multiple plagiarism detectors to ensure that it is not plagiarized, in whole or in part.
  • A formal title with bold letters and a concise position description should be written.
  • The content should be divided into distinct sections with headings and subheadings.
  • Create a Word.doc or.docx file for the completed articles and submit them to us.
  • For the content to be informative, simple to read, helpful, and understandable, it must have the appropriate emphasis.
  • If you include any facts and figures in your article, you must always cite the source from which you obtained them.
  • You must provide proper attribution for any quotations or photographs you use.
  • Create content that is readily readable by individuals of all demographics.

How To Select The Right Website For A Guest Posting?

The website spam score is less than 28 and good is 1, Domain Authority is good for example plus100years.com domain authority is more than 60. Writing a good blog post is very important to reach more users easily, users like useful content.

What types of Guest posts do we accept? 

As stated above, Plus100years provides information on health, beauty, fitness, motivation, home remedies, disease prevention, yoga, and other natural remedies. 

Therefore, we would adore publishing your articles on these topics if they are similar.

For additional clarity, we subcategorize our topics:-

  • Ayurveda
  • Homeopathy
  • Naturopathy
  • Unani 
  • Tips for Natural Health
  • Tips for Natural Beauty
  • Case reports
  • Medicines-relevant guest blog posts 
  • Fitness Natural cosmetics
  • Health contributor articles 
  • Health Advice 
  • Health Care Expertise
  • Dietary Weight Loss Guest Posts 
  • Meditation 
  • Pilates
  • Food Plans
  • Yoga
  • White Hair
  • Healthcare 
  • Latest news regarding Health Care Products
  • Local language articles in Telugu
Who can submit their Guest post?

We accept guest posts from:-

  • Bloggers
  • Content Writers
  • Doctors
  • Professional Health Care writers
  • Students
  • Beauty experts
  • Dietitians 
How To Submit A Guest Post? 

After assembling your article, double-check our guidelines and submit them to us.

Send it via email at info@plus100years.com.

Remember that your article must be submitted in Word.doc or.docx format.

What will the Process of uploading your article?

Once you submit your post, it will take some time to publish it. It will be evaluated based on various criteria and regulations. 

We will review the article; if necessary, an editor will edit it attentively. When the article meets our standards, we will publish it on our website, and if not, we will keep you informed.